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Yoga Therapy Series Lot #4


MHLC board member Allie Middleton has agreed to offer three 1-hour yoga sessions for up to eight people (valued at $600) for this specialized yoga therapy class series. Includes simple stretches and energy clearing for well-being, yoga for a healthy back, and breathing techniques to balance mood, improve sleep. 

Allie’s passion is "hosting the invisible", helping others sense into and welcome the emerging magic of being connected to the "all and everything." Through gentle, mindful movements and deep energy awareness practices, Allie mirrors our connection to our heart’s true nature in each and every moment. Experience your gifts moving forward and into successful strategic actions with embodiment practices and mindfulness activities. Truly, your spirit will feel nourished alive by her well of inspiration, experience. Yoga sessions can be on Zoom or in person.

Allie's two books are also included in this item: "Yoga Radicals" - a unique example of moving from the ‘me’ consciousness to the ‘we’ consciousness, Yoga Radicals invites readers to join pioneers on a path of social action through spiritual transformation. "A Wayfarer's Wanderings" is a book of Allie's poems that bring the intelligence of the heart to life, offering a glimpse into a modern sacred journey while deeply grounded in wisdom traditions. 

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