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Bountiful Bread Lunch for 10 Lot #10


Bountiful Bread is a locally owned and operated scratch bakery. Since day one, they have started their days at 3 a.m. to start artisan breads, baked pastries and cookies, and simmer award-winning soups. Built with the best ingredients, sourced locally when available, hand-crafted meals from Bountiful Bread ensure a fresh and delicious meal option for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Even if it’s not on the menu, they can make nearly any creation that comes to mind. Bountiful Bread is proud to offer a variety of Vegan and Vegetarian options.

This item provides lunch for 10 to your office or home, within 20 miles of Bountiful Bread's Stuyvesant Plaza location.

Donated by Brian White, White Management

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