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CSA Share from Lansing Farm in Colonie, NY Lot #13


The rewards of eating things when they’re at peak flavor and nutrition are immeasurable. As a full share CSA* member, you will learn what is currently in season where you live and how long it is available. You will appreciate eating fruits and vegetables while they’re truly fresh, then enjoy the nice memories of each until next year. You move throughout the seasons eating fresh, seasonal foods as they mature for the harvest. This is the adventure of eating well!

The CSA share is done "farmer's market style" with members selecting their own produce from bulk bins, following the guidelines on the chalkboard in the CSA pickup area.

This full weekly share offers 6–8 units (with more in the middle and less on either end of the season), picked up every week, 21 share distributions per season. We have designed this share option for two adults who consume a moderate amount of fruits and vegetables or two adults and two children who want to enjoy fresh local produce but only cook a few nights a week.

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