#36 Hula's Modern Tiki Lot #36
$50 Gift Card - HULA'S is a modern, urban twist on the classic tiki bars and restaurants of the 50's & '60's. Breathe in some cool, tropical air, enjoy our signature cocktails, see and be seen! Our Uptown Phoenix location boasts a seamless indoor-outdoor vibe and a palm-tree-topped Tiki Room where you’ll be surrounded by hipsters, oldsters, youngsters and everyone in between and beyond. In Scottsdale we’re located in the center of one of the best old town areas in the U.S. Or surf over to North Phoenix to soak in our newest island-style hideaway on High Street. Our extensive menu is a fusion of Polynesian and American flavors. Try us once, you’ll be hooked. https://www.hulasmoderntiki.com/
$50 | 7 | $45 |
Value | Bids | High Bid |
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