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13th Annual ENMU Golf Tournament
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Raffle Ticket (Individual)
$20 per ticket. Your ticket will be provided to you in person when you check in at the Santa Anna Golf Club on July 8, 2022.*Deadline Midnight on T...
No longer available
This item has been purchased.

Raffle Ticket (Foursome)
Purchase is for (4) Tickets, one for each member of your foursome. Please email to provide her with the names for your raffle ti...
No longer available
This item has been purchased.

Golf Team
The Tournament has reached full capacity.To be placed on the wait list, please email Sara Nino at Sara.Nino@enmu.eduGolf opportunities limited to t...

Presenting Sponsor
One available | Sponsorship benefits include:Two golf team entries (four people each), breakfast and lunchAll Tournament printed brochures will sho...

Platinum Sponsor
Three available | Sponsor benefits plus:Sponsor table provided in the registration areaMajor recognition in publications and tax deductible donatio...

Gold Sponsor
Sponsorship benefits include:Display of sponsor signage at event (banners provided by sponsor)Free golf team entry (four people) and invitation to ...

Silver Sponsor
Sponsorship benefits include:Free golf team entry (four people) and invitation to attend breakfast, lunch, and ENMU ReceptionLogo and name featured...

Bronze Sponsor
One tee box sponsorshipLogo and name featured in tournament programCompany sign (provided) at one tee box

Driving Range Sponsor
Driving Range sponsor will have a double-sized sign with sponsor name and logo on the putting green Sponsorship brochure will recognize sponsorshi...

Putting Green Sponsor
The putting green will have a double-sized sign with sponsor name and logo on the putting greenSponsorship brochure will recognize sponsorship with...

Golf Cart Sponsor
Each golf cart will have a sign attached sign with the sponsors name.Sponsorship brochure will recognize sponsorship with name and logo

Lunch Sponsor (Named)
Sponsorship benefits include:Two company representatives may hand our box lunches from 11 – 2, at sponsorship cost, custom stickers can be placed o...
No longer available
This item has been purchased.

Breakfast Sponsor (Named)
Sponsorship benefits include:Two company representatives may attend lunch, awards presentation and ENMU ReceptionProgram will include company name ...

Green Sponsor
Sponsorship benefits include:Large company sign on green; option for tent near green (you provide and staff)Sponsorship sign placed on greenSponsor...

Closest to the Pin Sponsor
May sponsor one or more contests | Six available for men and six available for women for each contest | Sponsorship benefits include:Company sign (...
Total items: 22
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