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2023 Faculty Art & DESA Benefit Gallery

Consolee2 edit 00 07%20(1)
Photography Artist: Tyra Mitchell

Portrait of Consolee (2021)

Photography | 16x20 inches Tyra is a strong believer in creating spaces for marginalized communities. Patrons are required to pay shipping or sched...
Consolee2 edit 00
Photography Artist: Tyra Mitchell

Portrait of Consolee 2 (2021)

Photograph | 16x20 inchesTyra is a strong believer in creating spaces for marginalized communities.Patrons are required to pay shipping or schedule...
Photography Artist: Tyra Mitchell

Portrait of Seun (2017)

Photograph | 16x20 inchesTyra is a strong believer in creating spaces for marginalized communities.Patrons are required to pay shipping or schedule...

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